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Over Thirty Baseball, Inc. Night League "NOTB"
Philosophy, Rules, and Regulations

Revised August 7, 2016

In accordance with the mission and spirit of Over Thirty Baseball, The Over Thirty Baseball Night League "NOTB" was created to complement the existing schedule of Over Thirty Baseball, which plays games on Sunday mornings, to give players an opportunity to include more Over Thirty Baseball into their summer recreation and also providing an opportunity for players unable to play on Sunday mornings. NOTB schedules its 7-inning games on weeknights from 8:00-11:00 PM from the last week of May to the last week of August each year. Players are expected to conduct themselves with the same level of sportsmanship and maturity on and off the field as expected in OTB/NOTB rules. The responsibility of sustaining this ethic rests with the NOTB Chairperson, NOTB Committee, managers, assistant managers, and each individual player.

1     RULES

1.1    Over Thirty Baseball, Inc. and its NOTB division adopts as its official baseball rules the Official Major League Baseball Rules. Any exceptions to these rules are listed herein. Members failing to abide by these are subject to suspension, expulsion or game forfeits as decided by the Board of Directors.

1.2    A majority vote of the NOTB Committee is needed to add, delete or amend league rules as the need arises. A revised copy of the rules will be available to each league member, each year, at the time of registration.

1.3    Except for extenuating circumstances or special events including rainouts, NOTB schedules all games on weeknights exclusive of the following holidays: Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, and Columbus Day.


2.1    There will be no alcoholic beverages permitted before, during or after the game within the confines of the playing field. Also, smoking is prohibited within the playing area or within the vicinity of the playing area. The use of profanity is not allowed within the playing area or the vicinity of the playing area.

2.2    Unsportsmanlike conduct is strictly prohibited. The penalty for a player involved in an altercation deemed by the Board of Directors or designated committee to constitute unsportsmanlike conduct can be any of the following: warning, reprimand, suspension for one or more games, season expulsion or permanent expulsion. Each team is responsible for the conduct of its players and supporters. Should a player or team supporter act contrary to this rule, the responsible team is subject to forfeiture at the discretion of the umpire. Any and all rules regarding player conduct, including a prohibition against making false statements, are not only applicable to on-field activities, but are applicable to all OTB related activities including, but not limited to, OTB website use, OTB meetings, etc. In addition, conduct during OTB/NOTB games could result in suspension or expulsion in OTB/NOTB as determined by the Board of Directors.

Such infractions shall include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Unsportmanlike conduct
  • Abusive language before, during, or after a game, or harassment of players or umpires
  • Violation of Official Baseball rules which warrant suspension or any OTB rule
  • Repetitive minor infractions may warrant suspension or expulsion
  • Flagrant verbal or physical abuse by a player or manager
  • Assault and battery on players, managers, or any member of the umpiring crew before, during, or after a game
  • Failing to leave the playing field or designated area after an ejection by the umpire leading to forfeiture of a game. If found responsible for such an act, the player(s) will be subject to no less than a one (1) game suspension in addition to the automatic suspension provided for in Rule 2.3.
  • Disparaging remarks or statements directed at any individual or racial or ethnic group

2.3    Team Managers are responsible for ensuring that all of the players on their team are treated with fairness and respect. All players are to be given innings in the field pursuant to minimum inning rules and will be inserted into the batting order for each game that such player attends, as is required by league rules. Individual special requests made by any player to play certain positions and/or to be placed in a certain spot in a batting order may be made by a player. However, a team manager is under no obligation to grant any such individual a special request and the team manager is free to decide where each individual player shall bat and play in the field. All players and managers are expected to work together as a team toward improving both individual player skills and overall team performance.

Each individual player is responsible for his own prompt attendance at each game and regularly communicating with his team manager regarding his playing ability. Players are expected to follow the decisions of the team manager, especially in light of each team manager’s position in OTB, commitment to OTB and respect for the team manager position. Any individual player’s refusal to share in a "team first" concept shall not be tolerated. Such individual player actions shall be reported by the team manager to the Board and are subject to review by the Conduct Committee. Examples of an individual’s refusal to adopt a "team first" approach shall include, but are not limited to, a refusal to follow a basic sign such as a bunt or sacrifice, a refusal to coach a base when not batting, a refusal to play a certain position when asked by the team manager, a refusal to assist in field cleanup either following a game or in the event of rain, and a general refusal to follow the general direction of the team manager.

If in its review, the Conduct Committee determines that such individual player’s refusal to follow the "team first" approach was not justified, then the Board shall take appropriate action with respect to that player. Such action may include written warning, suspension and/or expulsion from the league.

2.4 (A)  Any player or manager ejected by the umpire from a game is automatically suspended for the next scheduled game actually played.

2.4 (B)  A suspended player must immediately leave the playing area and not be in view of any player, umpire, or spectator at the game. Suspended players may not attend any game even as a spectator until their suspension is completed. Any player who fails to leave the playing field as described above after an ejection by the umpire may result in a forfeiture of that game. If found responsible for such an act, the player(s) will be subject to no less than a one (1) game suspension in addition to the automatic suspension provided for in Rule 2.4 (A).

2.4 (C)  To lift a suspension, the ejected player/manager has the burden of providing information to show their ejection was not warranted. The B.O.D. or designated committee will review and resolve such claims within five (5) days. Claims for review must be submitted by the player to the league President within twelve (12) hours of ejection. A successful claim will not count as an official ejection.

Multiple ejections within any three (3) year period will result in additional suspended games as follows:

  • One (1) ejection - minimum one (1) game suspension
  • Two (2) ejections - minimum two (2) game suspension
  • Three (3) ejections - seasonal expulsion with return to OTB pending approval of B.O.D.
All ejections must be reported by the Manager to the league President within twenty four (24) hours. The President has the right to extend the appeal process until a decision is made.

2.5    If an infielder decoys a tag, only the runner will be entitled to advance one (1) base. Any preceding runner(s) forced to advance by the award of one (1) base for the penalty of decoying shall advance to the next base without liability. If a fielder decoys a runner by faking a tag, the fielder decoying the tag will be automatically ejected from the game. Decoying is referred to where a player on base slides unnecessarily due to a decoyed tag.

2.6    All base runners shall be afforded a clear path into any base, including home plate. Defensive players are not permitted to intentionally block the base or plate with any part of their body. Any violation of this rule shall be deemed to be an obstruction and shall result in an award of one extra base to all runners on base. Furthermore, any violation of this rule shall be referred to the conduct committee and the conduct committee, with the approval of the Board, may recommend additional action to be taken and such action may include a written warning, suspension, and/or expulsion.

a.    For the purposes of this rule, an example of a defender "intentionally blocking" the base/plate shall include, but is not limited to, an instance where a catcher places his shin guard on the ground and in the base path towards home plate.

2.7    When there is a collision between a runner and a fielder who is clearly in possession of the ball, the umpire shall judge:

1.    Whether the collision by the runner was avoidable (could the runner have reached the base without colliding), or unavoidable (the runner’s path to the base was blocked) or:

2.    Whether the runner actually was attempting to reach the base (plate) or attempting to dislodge the ball from the fielder.

3.    This rule applies to offensive and defensive players as well:

a. If it is judged a defensive player caused the collision, no warning shall be issued to the batter/runner. The defensive player shall receive a warning on the first offense and ejection on subsequent offense. Malicious or egregious conduct resulting in a collision is grounds for immediate ejection.

b. Penalty: If, in the umpire’s judgment, the runner could have avoided the collision and reached the base, or was attempting to dislodge the ball, the runner shall be declared out even if the fielder loses possession of the ball. The ball shall be declared dead and all other base runners shall return to the last base touched at the time of the interference. If ruled deliberate by the umpire, it may result in the player’s ejection from the game.

2.8    If a pitcher hits three (3) batters in any one game, the pitcher must be removed AS PITCHER on the third hit batsman. Umpire has discretion to eject any pitcher, if in his judgment, pitcher intentionally throws at batter, not withstanding his discretion under Major League rules.

2.9    The Hidden Ball Play can be executed only when the pitcher is completely off the pitching circle (i.e., both feet on the grass of the infield).


3.1    All managers/players must not cross the line where winning is more important than playing. An opposing manager may, at any time, have the right to question a player’s age and get their name. During registration, all players must attest to their correct age. A player must be 30 years of age by December 31st of each season. If an under-30 player is detected, penalties of long term suspension to the individual will be decided by the NOTB Committee.

3.2    All properly completed registrations received before the deadline shall be accepted for consideration in our draft. The annual draft will be conducted in a manner to allow parity, fairness, and an opportunity for all teams to field all positions with priority given to returning ballplayers. Returning players who enter the draft will be drafted and placed on another team and will not return to their original team.

3.3    Dates for submission of final rosters will be decided by the NOTB Committee. There will be absolutely no changes permitted afterward without the approval of the NOTB Committee.

3.4    Any player may submit their name for consideration in the draft. All properly completed registrations received before the deadline shall be accepted for consideration in our draft. A player may switch teams after completion of the draft with the approval of the NOTB Committee.

3.5    Teams must have nine (9) players to start an official game. A team cannot complete a game with less than eight (8) players. Managers may allow a player from opposing team to fill in positions when necessary.

3.6    As authorized by the NOTB Committee, any player missing two (2) consecutive games without prior notification is subject to expulsion for the remainder of the season. Any player missing four (4) games, with or without prior notification, is subject to expulsion for the remainder of the season. Furthermore, the player involved is not entitled to any refund. If such an expelled player decides to return to the league the following year, his application shall be treated as a ’new’ registration entry.


4.1 (A)  Scheduled 7 inning game:
A pitcher may pitch no more than a total of four (4) innings per scheduled seven (7) inning game. A pitcher may not return to pitch once removed unless extra innings come into play. In the event of extra innings, a pitcher may return to pitch. One (1) inning is added to their total four (4) innings allowed, now being total five (5) innings allowed.

4.1 (B)  Scheduled 9 inning game:
A pitcher may pitch no more than a total of five (5) innings per scheduled nine (9) inning game. A pitcher may not return to pitch once removed unless extra innings come into play. In the event of extra innings, a pitcher may return to pitch. One (1) inning is added to their total five (5) innings allowed, now being total six (6) innings allowed.

4.2    Pitchers may not wear apparel which can be deemed as a distraction during the game (i.e. wrist bands, bright pitching sleeve, shining objects).

4.3    Each manager will bat all players present at the start of the game. The manager will add players who arrive late to the bottom of the lineup as soon as he is ready to play.

4.4    Batters cannot be deleted or skipped over unless physically unable to swing, regardless of their batting position or when they were added during the game. If a player is forced to leave the game for any reason, that spot will be skipped and all batters move up accordingly with no penalty to the affected team.

4.5    All players able to play must play at least three (3) innings on the field. Any player not present at the start of the game will have those innings missed deducted from the three (3) inning minimum. A completed inning is defined as the player being on the field for three (3) defensive outs. Therefore, a player must be on the field for a minimum of nine (9) defensive outs per game, unless the player arrived late or leaves early, and any defensive outs made in his absence shall be deducted from the minimum.

If it is determined that any individual has failed to play at least three (3) defensive innings in any game, as is defined by league rules, then such matter shall be brought to the attention of the Board for review and possible action, in the discretion of the Board. Such action may include written warning, forfeiture of game(s) won in which such a violation of the rule is deemed to have occurred and/or suspension. A formal protest is not required in order to enforce the provisions of this rule.

4.6    A player who needs a courtesy runner, due to injury factors only, must have his manager notify the opposing manager before game time. If not so notified, the opposing manager may deny the request during the game. Each team will be allowed the maximum of two (2) courtesy runners at the start of each game. The player to make the last batted out must be the courtesy pinch-runner unless it is the first inning of a game and no player has made an out. In this case, the last batter in the order shall be the courtesy runner. In the event a player becomes injured during a game, a manager may add to the number of courtesy runners for each injured player. (As an additional option to this rule, pitchers and catchers, if the last batted out, may be skipped as courtesy runners with the previous batted out running.)

4.7    Pitchers and catchers shall be allowed a pinch-runner when there are two (2) outs in an inning. The runner has to be substituted before the next batter comes up to bat. The pinch runner shall be the player who made the last batted out.

4.8    A player may initiate a request to his manager to only hit and not play the field. The manager may name him as a designated hitter (DH). Such player must be designated prior to the game. There may only be one DH per game and he MAY NOT enter the game to play the field once designated. All other players are subject to rule 4.5 who are playing in that game. Notwithstanding the requirements of this rule, if any player is injured during a game or has to leave that game, resulting in a shortage of remaining defensive players for that team (less than 9), then the player designated as the DH may enter the game for defensive purposes.

4.9    Substitute player rules: If a manager is shorthanded and has a need for a substitute player, the manager will refer to the current waitlist provided to all managers. Managers should go to the waitlist first, next, email NOTB mgrs for possible help or OTB. We should try not to continuously use the same waitlist sub player. The intent here is to encourage all waitlist players to remain on the list and hopefully sign up again next year. Subs will hit last in the batting order. Subs may pitch only in regular season games and if consent is given by the opposing manager (consent should be obtained before start of game.) If needed, one or more substitute pitchers are allowed, but for only 2 innings, 6 defensive outs maximum for combined substitute pitchers. The manager must declare before game time of his intention or possible need to substitute pitch and who the pitcher or pitchers would likely be. However, this does not commit him to use the substitute as a pitcher. Subs are not allowed to pitch in playoff games. Subs are not eligible in playoffs if a team is able to field 11 or more roster players. If eligible for sub player/players, only enough subs are allowed to reach the 11 player limit (to negotiate this rule requires approval of NOTB Board).

4.10    Sub/waitlist players may not be added to a team’s roster after that team has played its last regular season game.


5.1    All games are seven (7) innings with the exception of the Championship Game which may be nine (9) innings. A seven (7) inning game becomes a regulation game with three and a half (3-1/2) innings and the home team ahead or four (4) innings with the visiting team ahead or the score is tied. Regular season games ending in a tie will be considered a tie in the standings. When an official regulation game is tied and the game is "called" by an umpire in the middle of an inning with the home team not having its last chance at bat in the bottom half will revert to the score of the last inning. "Called" games are not "suspended" games and will not completed at a later date. Exception to this rule is the playoff games including a nine (9) inning Championship game. These games must have at least five (5) innings played or four and a half (4-1/2) innings if the home team is ahead or will become a "suspended" game to be completed at a later date. The home and visiting teams will share the field for practice before the start of the game. The home team will take the field ten (10) minutes before game time for warm up.

5.2    There is no mercy rule.

5.3    After two (2) hours and thirty (30) minutes from the start of a game, the teams may not begin a new inning. The game will be ruled final at this point. Exception: at Campbell Field after (2) hours and (30) minutes or 10:40 PM, which ever comes first. There is no time limit in playoff games such as "no inning shall begin after 2-1/2 hours from start time". Playoff games are 7 innings. Championship game is 7 innings but may be 9 innings if both finalist teams agree beforehand and field conditions/lighting permit.

5.4    Rainouts may be made up during the season if field availability allows it. Any potential makeup date will be approved by the NOTB Committee.

5.5    All protests should be lodged verbally with the OTB President within twenty four (24) hours. All protests should be submitted in writing to the OTB President within seventy two (72) hours. All protests shall be decided by the NOTB Committee. Any NOTB committee member whose team is involved with a protest will have no vote in the decision. In the case of a deadlock, the OTB President’s vote will be the deciding vote. The B.O.D. will modify this process for specific games during the season as the need arises.

5.6    Within twenty four (24) hours of completed games, the score of the game must be posted by the home team on the NOTB website Results page at Within seventy two (72) hours of completed games, the pitching statistics and offensive/defensive highlights must be posted by each team. Please make an honest effort. The website is a feature of the league that many people rely on.



6.1    All teams must have full baseball uniforms.

6.1.1   No player without a uniform will be allowed to play without the opposing manager’s consent. A full uniform is defined as hat, pants, shirt and socks. Also, no alterations to the uniform without NOTB Committee approval.

6.1.2    Every effort must be made for teams to have their uniforms by the first game.

6.2    All batters and runners must have helmets; there is no exception to this rule. Dual- or single-flap helmets are mandatory when batting and helmets are required for the bases. Catchers are also required to wear a helmet beneath their mask.

6.3    Only league-approved baseballs will be permitted for league play. Each team must bring five (5) baseballs to each game.

6.4    Baseball bats with a length-to-weight differential of no greater than three (3) will be used at all NOTB-sanctioned games. In addition, at least one third (1/3) of all scheduled games will be designated wood bat games only. Wood bat games will be clearly designated when the schedule is approved. Any batter using an illegal bat will be ejected from the game.

6.5    All baseball cleats are permitted in league games.

Revision history:

Final revision August 7, 2016
Revised August 11, 2015
Revised August 10, 2015
Revised July 16, 2015
Revised March 21, 2015
Revised August 4, 2014
Revised July 19, 2014
Revised March 16, 2013
Revised March 30, 2012
Revised June 21, 2010
Revised January 22, 2010
Revised February 16, 2009
Revised March 28, 2007
Reviewed with no changes February 14, 2006
Revised February 16, 2005
Original Draft January 8, 2004